Plants Trees Shrubs and Lawns Oh My

There are many important and wonderful adventures for a gardener to have during the autumn days. The garden does not disappear after the last vegetable or fruit has been harvested. There are many things that a fall garden can produce that will reward the gardener and provide beauty and food. Sometimes the plants, trees, shrubs and lawns can be forgot as we focus on the harvest; but they are just as important to fall gardening.

Trees and Shrubs need to be watered and pruned as well as thinned if they are to survive the winter. Pruning gets rid of any dead or diseased branches from trees and shrubs. The foliage of fall allows the gardener to see easily what needs to be pruned.

Trees and shrubs need to be watered still, during the fall months just as much as they did during the spring and summer. They should be watered deeply at the end of fall so that they have adequate water supply just before the ground freezes.

An alternative to topping a large tree (which can kill it) is to thin out a tree. A professional can be called in to selectively thin out a tree which may solve any problem that topping may be called for with a better and healthier result for the tree. Give thinning a chance before considering topping.

Lawns require special care during the fall months, as this is a good time to do any needed lawn repair or planting of grass. A lawn should be aerated in the cool days of fall so that you have healthier grass next spring. Aeration is necessary so that there is an increased ability for water, fertilizer and air to move through the grass and into the soil. This movement allows for a healthier turf. Aerating will also speed up the process of decomposition of the grass clippings and improves deep root growth. If you have compacted soil it will benefit from receiving core aerating. Compacted soil can result from high foot traffic. Grass will not grow where there is high foot traffic. A solution for this area would be to install some stepping-stones.

Your lawn will also benefit from having a soil test so that the soil content can be known. Once the content is a known, then plans can be made to make it ideal for planting by adding any necessary amendments such as composted manure, humus, sphagnum peat moss, top soil, or mushroom compost. Amendments are those ingredients that will improve drainage, increase the amount of moisture that the soil can retain, or supply much needed organic material.

During your autumn gardening there are other things that can be attended to while you are caring for your plants, trees, shrubs and lawns. Other gardening tasks include bringing in some plants to continue growing them inside, and also gathering garden debris to add to your compost bin.

nursery plants

plants and shrubs

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Laura Quintile is Website Owner and editor at Organic Gardens Green. Her background is with lifestyle topics including: Gardening, Keeping Fit, Staying Healthy and Pets.

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